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First Week



So far 2012 has been full of first’s. Brooke’s first day at childcare. My first day back to work. Brooke’s first cold. Brooke’s first shots. Hubbin’s first day working on the new house with our new roommate, M.

Brooke’s first day of childcare went well. She did fine eating for MaryAnn, buy she was sick, so she took forever to eat. It was also a short day (10:00-4:45), and I got to feed her over lunch and right when I picked her up. Each day was a little easier this week,  but Friday was especially difficult because it was her first full day there.
My first day back at work was eventful to say the least. I didn’t even get to work and my boss called to tell me I was being transferred to a different division to do my same job for them because the lady who has been doing it put in her two weeks’ notice that morning.
Brooke got her first cold last weekend, and it sucked! She was up basically all night Friday night, Sat night, and Monday night. But she slept good Sunday night! This Mom
She had her first shots on Wed afternoon, and her poor little legs were so sore from them! I felt so bad for her. By the time the third shot came she was just crying and crying. I was so glad it was time for her to eat also because then I got to feed her to calm her down.
We took her to her first Nuggets game that night and she slept the whole time trying to fight off that crap in her body. The only time she was awake was to eat.
And Hubbin and M tore out the wall and the tub at the new house. So now all the tear out is done. We just have to put it all back together!

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