I figured to be fair, I should share a list of things I LOVE about being prego since I don’t HATE being pregnant all the time! 🙂
1) I finally have a reason to love the baby section in stores!
2) Feeling Baby Girl move.
3) Wearing comfy pants all the time.
4) Having an excuse for not remembering things (although I really don’t remember them! I don’t do it on purpose!).
5) Getting to eat all the time and not feeling bad about it because I really am hungry! (But it is hard coming up with a variety of healthy snacks).
6) Chocolate Pudding and Brownies.
7) Dreaming of my Baby Girl and all the things she could grow up to be! 🙂
8) Not telling anyone her name! I LOVE this! It is so much fun to keep a big secret like this. 🙂 I thought I would hate it, but I love it instead! 🙂
9) Finding cute baby clothes for a dollar (yes, $1) and having a reason to buy them!
10) Finally getting to make a baby registry. It wasn’t as much fun as I had imagined it would be, but that’s ok. I have still had fun with it.