I got some banana peppers at work today (There was training in the training room at the truck yard where my office is and they let us claim any leftover food). I was SO excited! I LOVE banana peppers! So I loaded my plate and headed back to my office to enjoy a nice little snack…
The first bite was amazing! The perfect flavor. Perfect spiciness. Perfect in every way really. Gosh do I love banana peppers! Then I took a second bite…into the second banana pepper slice…HOLY HOTNESS! That was the SPICIEST banana pepper EVER! I thought I was going to die! So I drank some water and picked up another one…no really, that’s exactly what I did! Am I crazy? That one was JUST AS HOT! Again, I thought I was going to die…more water and then I did it again…I picked up just one more, hoping for that perfect flavor, perfect spiciness combination…I was duped again!
More water and then I took a break from what should have been the most amazing afternoon snack ever…That’s when I realized why they were so HOT…They were in the same bowl with the jalapeno peppers! Oh man am I dumb! And then I just lost my mind…
I couldn’t stand to see those beautiful banana peppers just sitting on my desk, so despite knowing what I now knew I tried another one with what small strand of hope I had left for that perfect bite…SUCCESS! It was amazing! And then I did it again, I picked up another one and took a bite…HOLY HOTNESS! That one must have been underneath a jalapeno, because it was HOT! Good thing there was only one left because I thought I was really going to die. My water bottle now nearly empty I bravely ate the last one, and IT. WAS. PERFECT! All this for banana peppers…wow. And now my water is gone. 🙂