Baby Girl is TEN MONTHS old! How did this happen? Where did the time go? I don’t know, but here is the report…. Walking: Yes! But only three steps …
Good Intentions
I have had good intentions to write a blog for ages now (ok, its only been a week, but still!), and while I have come up with some stellar ideas, …
Wine and ….Painting?
My lovely Sister-in-law, Leen, invited me to go with her (and the ladies from her small group) to this really hip (bahahahaha, I’m trying to be cool now too!) little …
A Moment
Life is filled with moments. And I experienced one just the other day… Aug 20, 2012 to be exact! My baby girl took her first steps! That moment seems to …
Bucket Scoop
If you tile or grout anything you need one if these! It is curved to match a five gallon bucket. And it makes it ten TIMES easier to get mortor …
Best Water Bottle EVER!
This is the best water bottle ever. It’s called a “Bobble bottle.” Here is a closer look at the top of it…. The top of the Bobble is where the …