Yikes! I am addicted to Pinterest! Ok, enough of that, lol. Here is a recipe that looks scrumptious! Found NOT on Pinterest. 🙂 Pork Chops (and only three ingredients!) Crockpot …
Kitchen update
Here is our pretty half wall! And here is our kitchen all textured. Isn’t it pretty? It looks SO much better than it used to! We also started tiling and …
“Church” Part 1
I wrote a post as a guest blogger (contributor) for a friend’s blog site. HERE is the LINK! I can’t WAIT for YOU to read it! 🙂
Picture Post!
Hammy Face LOVES the whole house fan! And Mommy’s hat! She gets all kinds of excited when she watches Daddy! And that’s all for now folks!
A link for you To a website article that is simple and honest. A straightforward look at marriage. And it’s in a language everyone can understand!
The cabinets came in yesterday! I’m still convinced they were supposed to be delivered to a carrier yesterday and us on the 27th, but I guess I will see if …
Kitchen progress
I know it doesn’t look like much, but it is WAY better than it was on Friday! What’s left? Mud and tape the drywall (I’m not sure how much of …
Crock Pot Freezer Cooking…?
Has anyone ever done it? If so what did you think? Was the meal just as good as if is when prepared fresh? I don’t know the answers to these …
Obligatory Picture Post
Seven Months Old and Crawling EVERYWHERE! ok, not quite everywhere, she would still rather walk. 🙂 She stands by herself really well, and pulls herself up to stand often! And …
Journey…Or Not
Most people say life is a journey. Well, I beg to differ. Life is an excursion. There are so very many twists and turns, hills and boulders, mountains and valleys, …