We learned on Monday the bank was starting the bid for that house roughly $100,000 more than we were willing to pay for it. Needless to say, we did not …
House…and other things
Monday, March 8, 2010 I have waited SO LONG to see the inside of that house. I’ve been dieing to see the basement and look at the whole house from …
With G&L having left it only feels right to address the topic of fear. Fear at its best is an annoyance. Plaguing the mind with worry and the heart with …
Maybe I shouldn’t be offended, but I am
Disclaimer: I was going to go back and change this so its not as nasty or revealing, but I decided against it…I was after all very angry (and I still …
The Banana Peppers Story
I got some banana peppers at work today (There was training in the training room at the truck yard where my office is and they let us claim any leftover …
Why? and Pray
Mom is in Vegas shooting an archery tournament with Lane and Shane. (Well, Shane isn’t shooting, just partying, but he is there). Then she is going to California to visit …
Much has happened since last time: The chili cook-of went alright…didn’t win anything and it was a LOT of work. But it was fun too. We convinced Brittni to help …
Bad News…
So Hubbin spoke to Gail last night and Gail told him we won’t be able to get more than $160,000 out of our house right now because there are just …
Who is the most important person?
We decided to plan what we are going to do on the house by the week rather than the day because everything always takes longer than we think it will. …
Our House
Oh what a weekend! At times I am so discouraged at our progress on the house. I always seem to underestimate the time it will take to finish ANY project. …